Bachelor in Informatics Engineering from Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, with grade 17 out of 20, started in 2018 and ended in 2021.
During this period I was awarded as
- Best graduate student of School of Technology and Management of Polythecnic Institute of Portalegre (2020/2021)
- Best 1st-year student of School of Technology and Management of Polythecnic Institute of Portalegre (2018/2019)
Academic and Scientific Work
- Drones as Sound Sensors for Energy-Based Acoustic Tracking on Wildfire Environments (2022)
- Swarm Optimization for Energy-Based Acoustic Source Localization: A Comprehensive Study (2022)
- Kalman Filtering for Tracking a Moving Acoustic Source based on Energy Measurements (2021)
- Natural Language Processing Toolkit — Language modeling for next word prediction (2021)
- Scientific Initiation Fellow Grant from COPELABS (2021)
- Development of a test-bench for evaluating the embedded implementation of the improved elephant herding optimization algorithm applied to energy-based acoustic localization (2020)
Profissional Work
Software engineer at Leonteq AG, April 2024 to present.
Development and refactoring of the order-tacking system.
Scala 2, SBT, Typelevel Cats, Cats Effect, Akka Actors, RabbitMQ, Google Protobuf, Oracle Database, Flyway.
Contractor at Schütz GmbH, June to Aug 2023 (2mo, simultaneously with Nezasa).
Improve the system I developed while working at Softinsa.
Software engineer at Nezasa AG, Dec 2022 to April 2024 (1y 4mo).
Development and refactoring of the Trip Builder engine.
Scala 2, Play Framework, Typelevel Cats, Akka Actors, Ember & React, MongoDB.
Software engineer at Softinsa - IBM, Jan to Dec 2022 (1y).
As a one-man team, I developed a web application from scratch integrating 3 other systems
(a line production controller, a computer vision service, and SAP).
My job included weekly meetings with the client (Schütz) to understand problems and design solutions,
managing deployments, monitoring, and user support. I was later hired directly by Schütz to continue my work.
Java, Spring, Microsoft SQL, Angular, Docker, Docker Compose, Nginx.
- Programming languages theory
- Correct and reliable software through typed, logical and functional programming
- Scala (with Typelevel or ZIO ecosystems), Haskell, and dependently-typed PL like Coq/Agda/Idris
- Web programming following REST as originally defined by Roy Fielding. HTTP, HTML, htmx, PicoCSS
- Event sourcing and append-only application state
- Ports & Adapters and interfaces/boundaries/contracts between network/dynamically-linked computer systems
- Domain-driven design and removing intermediaries — product analysts, owners, etc. — between programmers and the users of the software
- Deterministic and fast CIs, and automatic zero-downtime deployments